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Kombucha born in the Triangle, for the Triangle. Serving Durham, Chapel Hill, Carrboro, Raleigh, Pittsboro, and beyond.

We’ve moved! Our production kitchen is now in Old East Durham. Keep an eye out for new tasting room hours, early 2024.

You can also find us at the Durham and Chapel Hill Farmers Markets, where we can refill growlers fresh from the tap. Please check our Instagram for live updates on which markets and events we’ll be attending.

You can find Homebucha at over 50 partner vendors throughout the Triangle region of NC. Check out our partners to find the closest retailer to you.

Looking for wholesale info? Kombucha for your event or wedding? Click Contact us to request details.

six pack of kombucha cans, red yellow and purple, strawberry basil, ginger lemon, blueberry lavender